we have been down this road so many times
beauty and its definitions
so objective and subjective all at the same time
what does it mean to be truly beautiful?
i remember typing something similar before
but i shall type it again
ladies, its time to stop
being affected by the media with a cookie cutter definition of beauty
changing ourselves to suit others' wishes and dreams
being pressured by the pinning of their expectations on ourselves
soon we take those expectations as our own expectations for ourselves
we diet, exercise to fit into that dress, if we can dont breathe to make
ourselves skinner, we would
what are the considerations?
becoming skinner physically is not exactly unhealthy
i mean if you are becoming healthier than why not
we all know being overweight do lead to diseases such as heart problems
but we know people start with this step and then cross the line more and more
till one day, they cannot live up to their own expectations of themselves
and theres the issue that perhaps you are not even fat in the first place
then what is there to diet?
girls however, we are somehow able to dig out some lump of flesh to want to cut down on
i wonder when will this stop.
stop taking expectations of others and turning them to those of our own
it will soon kill us
this death will kill us inside and outside slowly bit by bit
the first step may be cutting 5kg, then realising you are able to do it
pin more and more expectations on yourself
look at a 'ugly' girl and tell me, what defines ugly?
her thighs, her face? her eyes?
we are past the phase of the inside counts for a lot
so why, why are still so many expectations of girls?
to be of a certain criteria?
is it such so that we can expect our men to be of a certain standard?
does love, come with expectations?
i wonder.
louis once asked me a question,
is a relationship all about give and take?
so i kept thinking about it and i asked
the final verdict is that a relationship is not about giving and taking
not even about compromising
a relationship is all about just giving
i think i will not support someone dieting to fit into a dress
but rather dieting for the right purposes
to maintain weight or to be healthy
dieting to fit into a dress seems to be self improvement for all the wrong reasons
plenty for thought.