Wednesday, April 8, 2009


my entire world was words and more words this morning
the tests were hard, i guess
in a different way
there was the writing test in which i have to select the 5 out of 25 paragraphs
then edit them accordingly
the editing was awfully difficult

then there was the logistics test
it was more of lets say you have only 2 hours to complete
a certain amount of tasks, what will you prioritize first? and why?
the situational judgment test
was something along the lines of lets say you have a group of
foreign delegates but not enough hotel rooms then what do you do
there are a few options so you rank them the ones you think
its more likely to work, and the ones you think is ineffective
it was fun actually, esp the personality test
i was shading away at break neck speed cause i was so sure about the answers
there were things like 'i laugh easily'
and i shaded strongly agree immediately

my life is changing as we speak
and among all that is changing
there are things that remain unchanged
for that sometimes im thankful

you might have heard this before, let me refresh your memory
'God, grant me the courage to change the things i can,
the serenity to accept the things i cannot change
and the wisdom to know the difference'

many of us lack that wisdom to know the difference
me included
and somehow when you know that there is a higher power
then all the burdens get lifted some way or another

sometimes we fight too hard and too long to try and change the things we cannot
and leaving alone all the things we can make a difference in
interview for the PR intern tomorrow
its only a three months work period
i wonder how much experience i can gain

oh and ms sharon has gave birth!
yes, our like im sorta pregnant teacher and
she just sent me the pictures
let me ask her permission to see if i can put up her boy's photo
for the whole world to marvel at how cute he is

stay tuned.

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